15 May 2011

Why is Rails startup so slow?

For me, as for a whole lot of other people, Rails take about 30 seconds to start-up, regardless of whether it is starting the server, running the tests or firing up the console. For a professional Rails developer this means starring at a black screen and waiting impatiently many times a day and wasting a lot of time. People have been complaining about this on the web, but the answers people give to this seem to be evasive and do not really hit the issue. Turns out there is a really simple reason why the start-up is so slow and the only question remains why this wasn’t fixed a long time ago.

14 November 2010

Solutions to exercises from SICP

For more then a year now I have been doing exercises from the book “Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs” (SICP) whenever I have some spare time. Until now, I have solved almost all exercises from the first four chapters of the book. It would be quite sad to loose all this work due to a faulty hard drive or what-have-you, so I finally managed to put them online today.

The GitHub repository serves mostly as a backup for myself and the solutions certainly lack polish - the solutions to the exercises that ask you to describe something in writing may not be very clear or well-written, especially English is not my native language. The solutions to the exercises that actually require coding are mostly OK I think, but they weren’t prepared for ease of running and reading, so you can expect some quirks as well.

Still, I think someone may find the solutions useful, especially considering that for some of the exercises I have solved there doesn’t seem to be a correct solution online at all. So, I did not see a point in making the repository private. Having said this, you can checkout the solutions here.

01 October 2010

The implicit API

Recently I had a little piece of general functionality to implement at work, in a web application I develop - we wanted to be able to trigger various events on the client side (for example pop-up a lightbox-style window), the catch being that the events were to be triggered on the server side, not directly in response to a client request. It is nothing too fancy to implement, a little queue in the database for the actions to trigger + setting up long-pooling in the clients browser suffices as the first attempt. However, I experimented with 2 or 3 designs for this to make it more convenient to use and in the process I realized something I think may be worth sharing.

Consider a typical small software project - a few programmers working together on a single project for a prolonged period of time. Requests for new features are coming in from a customer every few weeks. Some of the requests are probably similar in some ways, so people will want to build reusable modules for the most common tasks. Immediately, perhaps the single biggest problem of software development comes into play - communication.

16 December 2009

What is wrong with Ruby

After using Ruby massively for a few years, I think I have now enough understanding to finally see its main flaw. As a starting point to try to see it too, consider mentally splitting the Ruby language into two parts - “programming part” and “metaprogramming part”. This is of course a fully artificial distinction, as in reality they are closely tangled together, but I find such an attempt a useful experiment.

What I would consider a part of Ruby’s normal programming features are the things programmers who ship end-user applications use everyday - classes, objects, methods, loops, variables etc. The metaprogramming features are what is mostly used by people who build applications for other programmers, but normally not by the “average Joe”, so the techniques behind things like Rails, RSpec, Rake, Rack and other major Ruby frameworks and libraries. Much of the appeal of those projects lies in the elegance of the languages they make available to their users, making it easy to describe solutions to problems the given framework is targeting. The specific features I have in mind are things like metaclasses, instance_eval, class_eval, method_missing, alias_method an so on, all hidden behind an easy to use abstraction layer.

24 November 2009

An open platform for publishing applications

HTTP, HTML and CSS are inadequate for developing complex end user applications that have hard latency requirements, depend on more sophisticated input-output facilities or need to integrate closely with the clients computing environment. Examples include games, multimedia or attempts to reproduce modern desktop applications on the web.

The failure to deliver browser-based applications in those domains is in my opinion caused by:

  • the weakness of the request-response scheme of HTTP as a basis for a programming model - it works well for the operations on hypertext documents it was designed for, but it is a poor basis in almost all domains that do not naturally deal with documents, especially those requiring sending excessive amounts of information back and forth
  • poor capabilities of the browser itself - what is being made available to the programmer is insufficient for any kind of more sophisticated development, as no access at all is given to important parts of the user environment - neither to the hardware (graphic cards, sound cards, video cameras, gaming devices) nor to the software resources (files on the client computer)

Many technologies were created to deal with the two problems. AJAX, continuations-based web servers or Comet were attempts to workaround the first issue, but they all have been built on top of the flawed model, while also suffering problems with the web browsers, without trying to directly fix them. The second problem was meant to be solved by the likes of Flash or Silverlight, which do not integrate well with the rest of the web (for example search engines), making it questionable why do they at all run inside the web browser, experiencing efficiency and stability issues. Java the platform was the closest to what I want to propose, but even through it had the necessary pieces, it wasn’t clearly steered in this direction and suffered from slow start-up times, slow and ugly GUI tool-kits and weaknesses of Java the programming language.

The author is seeing much potential in an integrated attempt to solve both of those problems with a new set of standardized technologies. We already have excellent protocols for hypertext, efficient file transfer or sending messages, why shouldn’t a protocol for sharing applications exist? Links could be put to apps://musicplayer.com/ on traditional web pages in the same way as links to e-mail addresses or file servers, leaving the browsers with what they do best - processing documents.

The proposed solution that will be described here is called OAPP, standing for Open Application Publishing Platform. The following things should be specified as a part of OAPP:

  1. A virtual machine of predefined capabilities running on the client computer
  2. A way of sending executable computer programs to the virtual machine from the server
  3. A way of singalizing events on the virtual machine to the server
  4. A programming model based on points 1, 2 and 3

14 December 2008

Proel - Project support for Emacs

One of the most fundamental features that Emacs is missing among all the goodness available for programmers is the support for handling software projects ie. the way TextMate or IDEs does this. Not having a quick way to navigate between files, classes, methods and other symbols starts to significantly suck if you’re working with bigger bases of source code. Because of this, a year or two ago I rolled two screen pages of Elisp or so, to make the basic operations I want to have available project-wide available. It served me very well ever since than, but it was a dirty hack and I really didn’t knew much Lisp at that time. Recently, seeing some other attempts at solving this problem, I decided to cleanup and extend my solution a little bit and make it available for the general public. So the proel package was born.

19 April 2008

Metaprogramming Ruby

On this year’s RuPy I gave a talk about Metaprogramming Ruby. Unfortunately I didn’t have the time to prepare the presentation exactly the way I wanted, nor did the organisators gave me enough time to present what I wanted to present. Anyway, I made some changes to the slides, which are now of some value on they own I believe, so I put them here for everybody to enjoy. Things covered include: Ruby’s object model, differencies between instance_eval/class_eval, hooks, reflection, wrapping methods, DSLs, Higher-Order Messanging, getting the parse tree from Ruby code and vice versa, and so on. There is also a nice resources section, where you will find the gems I found across all the available material about the topics covered, and from which I’ve picked up a lot of really interesting meta-ideas. If you find any errors, please let me know, this stuff is really fuzzy, and I really want to have it covered in a clear and precise way.

Despite the quirk with my own presentation, I really enjoyed RuPy as a participiant and I think it’s a great event. Zed Shaw had a really nice presentation, with some funny bits, but also with many things you can pick up and use weeks after the conference ended. I also liked the talk about PyPy by Carl Friedrich Bolz, even through I’m a Ruby guy - they really have some interesting ideas about compiling/interpreting dynamic languages and they made a hell of the effort to push it forward. I hope I will be able to visit Poznań again the next year and I encourage you to do the same too.

01 December 2007

Erlang, the functional Smalltalk?

Let’s start with a confession. I’m not a Erlang weenie, I’m not even a decent part-time Erlang hacker. But for some reason, I keep coming back to it, even through I don’t normally work in the problem domain I think Erlang is best suited for, like servers of various kinds (from MMORPG games to Jabber), or large scale, distributed applications. But in this case, it works differently - I keep coming up with problems that could be nicely solved in Erlang, instead of matching the language to the problem.

I wrote about the great fun factor of programming in Erlang before, but I didn’t quite get the reason this is the case. Now, after thinking about for a while, I think I know what Erlang does so well, that it makes programming a joy.

10 June 2007

Html generation in JavaScript

I started playing a little bit more with JavaScript recently, and one thing that bothered me was generating HTML. For example, if you have a AJAX application of any reasonable size, it probably has to change a lot of stuff inside of the various divs or other elements as it runs. For that, you need to write a lot of ugly-looking, long-running string concatenations. So, I took an idea used by the Lisp folks or in the Ruby Markaby library and I created a library to write HTML in JavaScript. I’m not sure if I’m the first one to come up with this, but my Google-fu failed in this case, so maybe… Anyway, with my JsTemple you write something like this:

$table({cellpadding: 10},
      $div({klass: 'container', id: 'main'},
        $div({id: 'layer', style: 'border: solid 3px #f00; padding: 10px;'},
          $p({klass: 'foo'},
            'foo', $strong('bar')),
          $p({klass: 'shmoo'},

And you get this:

<table cellpadding="30">
      <div class="container" id="main">
        <div id="layer" style="border: 3px solid #f00; padding: 10px;">
          <p class="foo">foo<strong>barstrong>p>
          <p class="shmoo">shmoop>

I generated the necessary data about tags / possible properties from HTML 4.01 W3C specification, so all the tags should work and invalid properties should be ignored. “Should”, because the generating was a little bit tricky and I’m not 100% sure if everything is the way it should be. The dollar sign is a bit annoying, too, but my goal was to avoid cluttering of the global namespace, especially a variable name like “i” may be quite popular… I don’t know how it works performance-wise or memory-wise either (certainly some optimizations are possible), but it seems to work under Firefox, Opera, Konqueror (Safari?) and MSIE 6/7 and it even doesn’t crash any of them in a short time, what I consider a big success. I don’t really know if this is useful at all (most people don’t seem to like balancing parenthesis or don’t know a decent editor which highlight pairs of matching parenthesis, judging by Lisp popularity), but you can grab it here. To start using it simply include the js file using

One more tip: keep in mind that jsTemple just returns a string, so you can for example use it with Prototype’s Template class.

09 May 2007

Erlang For The Practical Man

Table of contents:

1: General overview

3: Fighting with POP3 / SSL
4: Serving the thing through HTTP
5: Putting the pieces together
6: Conlusions

This article is my submission for the Erlang blogging contest. You can also grab it as a PDF file - in a4 format or in letter format.

1: General overview

Functional programming languages are often underestimated, as they seem to be not suited for the “real world”, being thought of as designed by scientists who spend their time mainly developing theories, not practical software. What makes Erlang stand out from the crowd is the fact it was designed by the industry and for the industry. Ericsson, where the language originated, has a telecom switch with more than 2 million lines of Erlang code running it that has a downtime of a few minutes per year - now this is reliability!

Telecom switches don’t make programmers too excited those days through, so we will try to do something more related to your everyday hacking. In this tutorial I will show you how to write a standalone daemon, that checks your email every x minutes, and makes the results available as an RSS feed. If you want to centralize all your notifications around RSS this may even be useful a bit and even if not, at least it makes a good example of some of Erlang strengths. I try to explain everything in as much detail as possible, but be warned - we won’t be writing any “hello worlds” here, we will just rapidly introduce a lot of awkward stuff as it becomes necessary, so if you don’t have a solid programming background you may have serious trouble. Either way, you will probably want to consult Programming Erlang and the free, official Erlang docs if you want to do anything serious in Erlang. Also see my previous post for an overview of general high level Erlang concepts.