Jarosław Rzeszótko
I’m a twenty three years old student based in Warsaw, Poland. When I was eight years old, I found a little book about writing progams in Basic among the hundreds of books my father collected throughout the years. I have read a part of it, wrote some very naive programs displaying some text, using some simple conditionals, things like that. This little event defined a significant part of my life.
Currently, I’m working developing Rails applications for German customers, and studying Computer Science part-time (evening classes) in the Polish-Japanese Institute of Technology. I mostly write programs in C, Ruby, Java, Lisp and JavaScript, but as I’m interested in programming languages design and implementation I also experiment a lot. I use GNU/Linux as my only operating system and I’m quite satisfied by it. I need only a couple of applications to be happy: emacs, zsh, screen, git, urxvt, zsh, screen, firefox+firebug, pidgin, and dwm, a tiling WM for keeping me free from distractions.
I also like books - through as I’m getting older I mostly shift more and more towards non-fiction. From time to time a book comes across that astounds me and leaves me thinking for a long time - even through I like movies and music too, this kind of strong feelings is in my case unique to reading. Some books I have in mind are: Structure And Interpretation Of Computer Programs, What Is Mathematics?, The Selfish Gene, The Machinery Of Life.
I enjoy music too, I was a die-hard rock fan until a few years ago, now I’m mostly a electronic music / hip-hop fan. I like Flashbulb, DJ Krush, DJ Shadow, Burial, Aphex Twin, Gang Starr, The Streets, GZA, Muse, Faithless, Klute, last but not least the polish rapper OSTR and several others.
I train weight lifting and/or some form or calisthenics depending onthe time of the year.
That’s pretty much it, I hope you will find something more useful on this page :)
You can reach me at sztywny(at)gmail.com