14 November 2010

Solutions to exercises from SICP

For more then a year now I have been doing exercises from the book “Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs” (SICP) whenever I have some spare time. Until now, I have solved almost all exercises from the first four chapters of the book. It would be quite sad to loose all this work due to a faulty hard drive or what-have-you, so I finally managed to put them online today.

The GitHub repository serves mostly as a backup for myself and the solutions certainly lack polish - the solutions to the exercises that ask you to describe something in writing may not be very clear or well-written, especially English is not my native language. The solutions to the exercises that actually require coding are mostly OK I think, but they weren’t prepared for ease of running and reading, so you can expect some quirks as well.

Still, I think someone may find the solutions useful, especially considering that for some of the exercises I have solved there doesn’t seem to be a correct solution online at all. So, I did not see a point in making the repository private. Having said this, you can checkout the solutions here.