01 December 2007

Erlang, the functional Smalltalk?

Let’s start with a confession. I’m not a Erlang weenie, I’m not even a decent part-time Erlang hacker. But for some reason, I keep coming back to it, even through I don’t normally work in the problem domain I think Erlang is best suited for, like servers of various kinds (from MMORPG games to Jabber), or large scale, distributed applications. But in this case, it works differently - I keep coming up with problems that could be nicely solved in Erlang, instead of matching the language to the problem.

I wrote about the great fun factor of programming in Erlang before, but I didn’t quite get the reason this is the case. Now, after thinking about for a while, I think I know what Erlang does so well, that it makes programming a joy.